Animes, Photography and everything in between… Pfft..

Shin Koihime Musou. Links. Major the Movie.

How ancient China did battles for righteousness and valor. -.-”

It’s been a long weekend, but I think I’m ready to start blogging again. Wanted to make sure I was back to my old self before I posted anything. To prevent my posts from sounding emo or sad.

Thanks to everyone and sorry for making you guys worry. Just needed a little time to think of “stuffs”. Lol…
Am back now, and hoping to catch up on one 1 week of anime backlog… somehow. Still have yet to see what all the fuss about Bakemonogatari is about. It’s almost on everyone’s’ top 10 list. o.0!


Shin Koihime Musou

Kanuu and Chouhi’s group rescue a mysterious girl, who is actually the real Ryuubi, her name and heirloom sword stolen after the events of the last season. The group sets off to recover Ryuubi’s sword. At the same time, a group of street performers, the three Chou Sisters, are given a mysterious magic book that may be more trouble than they think.

Until now, I can’t believe I finished this load of bull. Shin Koihime Musou could very well be the worst anime of 2009. I would have rather watched Queen’s Blade. Heck, I’d rather watch Training with Hinako even.

The only positive side I can think of for Shin Koihime Musou would be the huge amount of female characters. Every episode, 3 (or 2 or more) new characters are introduced. Some loli, some “legal” (but we all know “legal” means jack in animes). So 12 episodes gives you 36 characters or so. And that translate to a significant amount of fanservice.

I do applaud the anime for being able to maintain a sufficient degree of individuality for each character. Enough for me to distinguish and identify each character. If you started watching expecting to see anything else though, then be prepared to be utterly disappointed.

* All K-On haters, I really suggest you give Shin Koihime Musou a go. Cause compared to this, K-On won’t seem so shallow anymore. Heck, You’d rather watch K-On. Lol!

She has a gawd damn stomach ache. Why the hell do you need to touch her chest?!!

Told you there were alot of characters…

And fanservice.

The ONLY, and I mean ONLY, decent character in the anime.

Three different reactions to expect upon finishing this anime.
Left: Surprised, Middle: Suicidal, Right: RAAAggGEEEZzzzZZ!!!

Shin Koihime Musou
Rating: 1-Star
More info:


A few days back, I received a mail from a blogger. He/She was asking me about why I took his blog down from my “Links” when I added so many new ones to the list. I believe I don’t have to answer him about it. But I felt the need to explain it anyway.

I treat my Links as a bookmark. To remind me to browse those blogs. Hence why there are non-anime links. Some are friends, some are links of interest like photography, or figures, etc. And no, I do not prefer storing them with the “Bookmark” function on my browser. I also stopped using Google Reader cause it’s a hassle to maintain.

My Links section is not a blogroll exchange thingamabob. I won’t add a blog to the link just because anyone asked for a blogroll exchange. But you can try asking for a link-up anyway. Instead, I will browse your blog. And if all is well, only will I add it to the list. That being said, a blog does not have to have super stats or amazing posts for it to be added. And I actually prefer to add newly started blogs to help them get coverage. Cause I remember how it was like when I started Anime3R (Lol! 6 hits a day.. -.-“).

Having said that, also keep in mind not to expect too much from my linking. Lol. Cause anyone who visits NaNeee?! has probably visited you too. And I don’t exactly get a lot of new visitors. :p

And for the more important part, if I link to you, you are not required to link back to me. Like I said, I treat it more as a bookmark than a blogroll exchange. However, if I do lose interest in a certain blog. I will remove it from the links section. Like how one would delete a bookmark.
o.0! HuuuHhhHHHh??!!!
Yes, the horror. So if you will feel offended should I happen to drop your link. Please don’t link to me at all.

I might sound rather stuck-up from this, but I’m truly not. :p
I’m just a neat freak and having more blogs in my links that I can surf ticks me off a little.

I rather drop by a few blogs daily, than to drop by a lot of blogs once in a while. I know it limits my blogs’ growth, but I prefer the bondage bonding we get.

Edit: Oh my… Reading my own rant on the links section now, even I think that I sound like a pompous arse. Lol. So I thought I’ll add more to this rant. To salvage whatever good impression visitors have left of me. MuaHahaHaHAHha!

I’m not saying I drop blogs like dead flies; Being ready to pounce on the delete button the moment I read something I dislike. Lol!
Instead, I only delete blogs when I need to. Like when the Links list gets too long. I don’t want to have like a million blogs linked when I only visit some.

Also, you can’t deny that a whole whoop ass length of blog list going down the page looks intimidating as compared to a short and tidy list. Which also increases the chance of visitors clicking on them. ;p

Of course, some links were from before where I actually did a blogroll exchange. So certain obligations apply then I guess. But of course, I don’t exchange blogrolls blindly too.


Major: The Winning shot of Friendship (movie)

Goro briefly returns to Japan after a triumphant season in the US. He is heading towards Fukuoka where he played baseball when he was a fifth grader. Having just moved into a new town, this is where Goro faced a critical point in his life.

The first minute of this movie sent goosebumps up my spine. Then down my spine. Then up again.

Immediately I knew I was going to have a great time. That and a possible seizure from spine malfunction. Continued watching with eyes wide open and expectations sky high.

You know how majority of movies starts off with a slow start. No such thing in this Major movie.

Instead, it starts off with the first 18 minutes of nail-biting moment. Warming viewers up to the competitive nature of baseball. Followed by solid character development. The story progresses well too. Nothing too detailed to be expected from a 1 and a half hour movie. But enough to show some strife and hardship the team has to go through.

Then came the final match. Hmmm… I would like to say it kicked arse. But, it actually didn’t hit my expectations. It was great. But it didn’t exactly made me go crazy. Like how the opening of the movie did. o.0!

Lol… Talk about having too high of an expectation.

But after the final match was over, there were another 10 minutes of ending (which is very important to the development of the Major series). Now THAT was great!

Major: The Winning shot of Friendship (Movie)
Rating: 5-Stars
More info:

22 responses

  1. Pingback: Anime List « NaNeee?!

  2. regarding the blogroll, I glad I remain on your list (huge sigh of relief). Ruby on bananaMuffin has recently done the same with her blogroll.
    For me, I usually put the blogs that also add me in my blogroll plus few really special blogs. The blogs I bookmark are a lot more than that. Just wanna let you know šŸ™‚

    January 13, 2010 at 12:45 am

  3. LOL @ your 1st image. I was like. What the? Interesting reviews though. I always wanted to try to watch Major since my brother likes it a lot. I was never really into baseball so I guess that’s what’s keeping me from watching it. Oh and I think I haven’t asked you to link to me or anything but I did link you to mine mainly because we have the same reasons. I want to remember those blogs on my links as bookmarks. I’m glad that you added me even though I’ve just started this blog at the beginning of the year. ^^ *bows in thanks*

    January 13, 2010 at 12:52 am

  4. I have to watch the first season of Koihime Musou to see if it’s “worthy” of a one. After seeing pics like that, it will probably be a two.

    January 13, 2010 at 1:26 am

  5. First of all, welcome back ^^ I’m glad you’re back, honestly šŸ˜‰

    Since i have troubles remembering 5 characters names in a single anime i’ll never be able to remember 32 of them :/

    Major film looks great but i have one problem : i hate sports and everything related to it so it has to be fu…ing awesome for me to enjoy this kind of show.
    And why baseball !!! I haaaaaaaaaate baseball :/

    January 13, 2010 at 3:44 am

  6. Ugh. koihime musou.

    one of the few series that has made me vomit blood that I haven’t entirely erased from memory. That shit is unholy. It’s a travesty to my chinese heritage. It’s an insult to my home country. It spits in the face of the heroes in our folklore and shoves their balls down their throats.

    I’ll work to stay on your blogroll then :p

    January 13, 2010 at 5:09 am

  7. FaS


    January 13, 2010 at 7:13 am

  8. FaS

    I’ll give a better comment later lol

    January 13, 2010 at 7:14 am

  9. It’s been awhile since I’ve read reviews of anime I haven’t watched. Luckily I did so I don’t have to suffer through Shin Koihime Musou. Thanks for taking the bullet for us :).

    Major on the other hand looks like it could be pretty darn good, I might have to go give that a watch. I don’t see bloggers give movies five stars very often, so it’s probably worth the time.

    I should probably know this, but I’m actually pretty new to your blog. What’s the level and experience thing for on your sidebar?

    January 13, 2010 at 8:17 am

  10. wow… 1-star? Damn now I feel like a sucker for downloaded all the episodes.

    January 13, 2010 at 9:51 am

  11. Oh my, and I had been thinking of giving koihime musou a go because of my love for the Chinese epic on which it is (evidently very, very loosely) based. So much for that šŸ˜›

    And egads baseball anime!

    January 13, 2010 at 10:30 am

  12. Added a little to the Links rant above. Lol. -.-”

    “The blogs I bookmark are a lot more than that” – My turn for a sigh of relief. I wouldn’t dream of removing your blog. Lol… Still need to read more of your posts, to pick up some writing skills.

    Neh.. Don’t mention it. Should thank YOU for the interesting posts instead! Keep em coming! šŸ˜‰ No pressure of course…

    Having watched the movie. I really feel like starting the series. Only thing is, to start from episode 1 is rather suicidal. Lol…

    NooOOOooOOOoo… Don’t be pulled in by the fanservice. It’s evviiIIIillll… Lol.

    Thanks Katsura-chan… šŸ™‚
    I used to hate baseball. Until I got one (baseball). I can say that getting hit with one is NOT a pretty thing. Lol. Being “young and immortal” again.

    @NinGyo :p
    I didn’t see the first season. But finishing the second season (Shin Koihime Musou), I ain’t touching it with a 10 foot pole. Lol. And I bet there is going to be a 3rd season. Seeing how most bad titles always have “another new season” to torture viewers…

    And please, you don’t have to “work” to stay on my blogroll. Lol. I’m the one who needs to.

    Eagerly awaits your comment. Lol…

    First off… Welcome to NaNeee?!!
    Should warn you beforehand that I am easily satisfied. So depending on how picky you are. My 5-Stars could easily be your 4. Lol.. Feel free to check out my anime list for a clearer comparison.

    “I gave most of your 5 stars mostly 8/10 at best. So yeah, you phailed >:D” – klux

    Hahaha. I should probably remind you that a 1-star from me probably means total crap to you. :p Seeing how I have extremely lenient ratings.

    Lol. Sorry to shatter whatever hopes you had going. “Egads” as in a good thing? :p

    January 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm

    • Aww I get a quote ā¤

      And yeah, you totally made me NOT wanting to watch this. DO NOT WANT.

      January 19, 2010 at 1:15 am

  13. Oops..

    Sorry… Forgot to mention. About the experience and level thing on the right. It’s basically hits stats. I’m slightly fond of RPG games. Lol. Hence the “leveling up”. Hahaha… Reality doesn’t have a thing on me! Xp

    January 13, 2010 at 7:35 pm

  14. Yi

    I thought I would’ve liked Koihime Musou a lot if it was not based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms… I just can’t get past the distortion. Now I know I’m not really missing much.

    January 14, 2010 at 9:36 am

  15. CidEvil

    Nice to have u bak to bloggin i was gettin bored wit the interweb. Your rant about that crappy anime and the blogroll was hilarious i kno what u meant about keepin it tidy Your mood was definatly when u wrote this Diva.

    January 14, 2010 at 12:13 pm

  16. @Yi
    Lol. Well… There’s a lot of fanservice. Would you rather miss it? :p
    Although, I have to say I can’t see the resemblance between this and R.T.K.
    I suspect the names are pronounced in a different manner.

    Lol. No offense but you have the most insane ability to sound like a spam bot. Glad to see you being active again. šŸ™‚
    And Thanks!

    January 14, 2010 at 5:55 pm

  17. CidEvil

    Spambot im so insulted this is wht i get for leavin u comments. šŸ˜¦ i dnt understand how i sound like a spambot

    January 15, 2010 at 6:04 am

  18. HI ^^
    Hmm. I don’t like baseball much.

    January 15, 2010 at 7:21 am

  19. @Cid
    Lol. I was joking with a pinch of sarcasm. :p
    Glad to see you still updated AniVention (love the AMV’s šŸ™‚ ). CidisEvil@wordpress seemed to be too much of a reality bite for me.

    Hey there…
    Ic. Sometimes, you might not like the sport itself, but you might enjoy the anime. Might…

    Like how I hate boxing in real life, but I love Hajime no Ippo. :p

    January 15, 2010 at 7:45 am

  20. Oh gosh… how funny was that Shin Koihime Musou main picture?! LMAO! šŸ˜€

    January 18, 2010 at 11:18 pm

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