Animes, Photography and everything in between… Pfft..

Kampfer. Asura S2. 5cm per second.

Hey! I’ve got to put up something nice and decent once in a while right?




Senou Natsuru is your normal, everyday high school student. However he´s been chosen to be a Kampfer, who´s objective consists on fighting other Kampfer with either guns, swords or magic, however, there´s catch; first you can´t chose if you´re a Kampfer or not, and second, you must have the body of a girl to use your powers.

Funny thing about Kampfer. Having read and talked about nosebleeds in other blogs lately, I am actually surprised that although Kampfer had so much fanservice going on, not a single drop of perversion filled nose blood of youth was dripped. You really can’t deny that Kampfer had been one of the steamier fanservice we’ve seen in a while.

I enjoyed the slight improvement of animation during the transformation scenes. Unfortunately, the rest of the anime looks pretty “budget”. Overall pretty average, but still enjoyable. Not much to say other than that. Laughed the laugh, fought the fight. Don’t expect any form of ending and you’ll do alright.

Rating: 3-Stars
More info:

I dedicate this screenie to Razrigz, the miku-phile. Lol!

More buttbumpz anyone? :p


5 Centimeters per Second

“Should have,
Could have,
Would have.”

The three phrases which constantly echoes sitting through 5 centimeters per second.

It’s been a while but I felt that I had to write the story for this myself. That’s how beautiful the story is.

5 cm per second tells of a story about 2 friends, Tohno (male) and Akari (female).
Akari and Tohno were 2 kids who preferred to pass time at the library rather than the playground due to weak bodies. As time past, they got closer to each other. Other kids noticed the bond and started teasing them about it. Which just made them closer as they shy away from everyone else.

Although being very close from young, circumstances forced them apart when Akari’s parents got relocated due to work. And Tohno’s parents too later on. Moving further and further away from each other, to a point that it almost seems impossible for them to meet anymore.

Not just an anime about romance, but the choices one makes in life. Regrets, though vaguely expressed by Tohno is something one cannot deny from watching the anime. Instead, Tohno looks ahead. Knowing how some things will not change regardless oh how much he wants to be with Akari. And makes the hardest but deemed right decision for both… which is to part. Personally, it hurts. Even more so when it came to the ending.

*I’ll cut it short before I really can’t resist talking about the ending here. All I can say is, again, it will hurt*

There really isn’t much to talk about when it comes to it’s animation. It is one of, if not the best you will see. Animation alone was already shooting goosebumps up my arms, to the shoulders, down my back. Let alone coupling it with a beautiful story.
And the colors were absolutely… heavenly.

After all is said and done. The movie ends. Some might feel depressed, some might not. But what everyone needs to do, is to watch 5cm per second again. Could be a days later, could be months. You’ll be surprised how the second time will effect you, like how it’s making me feel now…

5 Centimeters Per Second
Rating: 5-Stars
More info:



Asura Crying Season 2

Following the precedent Asura cryin’ Tomoharu has now the dilemma of making a contract with an ‘Akuma’ since he might lost his dear friend Takatsuki if not, but doing so will compromise his own existence as the one from his ghost friend Misao since this will make them an “Asura cryin’ “. The biggest threat to humankind according to the school presidents. And the decision will be even harder since they now recover some of their past memories, memories of a 1st world they didn’t know that existed.

Do I even need to say anything? Just looked at the screenshots showing the monstrosity they dare call animation.
Dropped!! And to think I gave season 1 of Asura Cryin 4-Stars.

Asura Crying S2
Rating: Dropped
More info:

*Yes, I know. Having just looking at the screenshots of 5cm per second, then looking at Asura Crying S2 just makes you want to puke blood. Trust me when I say, you’re suffering was my intention! Lol!


16 responses

  1. HA! Dropped Asura Crying season 2 eh? You should have been like me and just never picked it up. The animation is so bad that it actually pisses me off. I could easily draw better anime than those clowns. It’s too bad because the animation was good up until episode 5 or so in the first season.

    I refuse to watch 5 cm per Second, because it seems like a sad story and since I, being the most manly of men, am unable to cry, so it serves me no purpose.

    Kampfer: I liked it, and hope for another season.

    February 28, 2010 at 3:27 pm

    • Shut up. You are manly because you’ll watch something like 5cm/s. You enjoy the Girl Who Leapt Through Time. This is on the same par as that one.

      Blur makes me want to watch this again.

      February 28, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    • Khu

      Oi, retard.

      Watch 5 centimetres/Second.

      Just because something is sad, does not mean it is not worth watching simply because you will feel unhappy. Quite the opposite. It will make you stronger, and it will teach you lessons in life that you would never learn otherwise.

      And with that said, watch Clannad and Clannad ~After Story~.

      June 13, 2010 at 10:24 pm

  2. 5cm is god-like, one of the few shows that I like apart from the original GITS movie and Lagann-hen. 🙂

    February 28, 2010 at 5:25 pm

  3. The visuals of 5cm is intoxicating. I remember when I watched it, I almost put it into my all time favorite list but didn’t. Maybe that will change after a second viewing 🙂

    Asura Cryin 2?, haven’t started it but kinda like its OPs 😉

    March 1, 2010 at 12:39 am

  4. I tried to watch Kampfer, after all a boy who tranform into a girl to fight against its will is a interesting start to me. I like gender switching or cross-dressing in an anime.
    But … i just watched the first episode and nothing really pushed to continue. I don’t have time to use on average animes and since apparently you say there’s not real big ending i was right to stop.
    Lol i sound a bit pretentious :p

    And 5cm is epic, sad but epic 🙂 Wanna watch it again now.

    March 1, 2010 at 2:48 am

  5. Heh? Really? I thought Asura Cryin’ had a good story… Kampfer sounds painfully average.
    You’ve reminded me to watch 5cm per Second too, need to get to that. After Yatterman, I guess. I might continue procrastinating it though, since it reminds me of Grave of the Fireflies, which I’m avoiding till this day because of how sad it’s supposed to be. I’m horrible at handling sad stuff.

    *raises hand* butt bumps here. Did you think I’d miss it?

    March 1, 2010 at 6:07 am

  6. I got internet back!! U need a body to use super powers in kampfer thats lame dont underestimate the destructive power of the cock! 5cms per Sec seems decent enough to give it a watch I might just do so. Asuras Crying i’m not gonna watch because crying is for pussys

    March 3, 2010 at 2:59 pm

  7. Yi

    I need to watch 5 cm. I tried Kampfer, but I just couldn’t get into it although the fanservice is really nice.

    March 3, 2010 at 4:53 pm

  8. @married couple
    LMAO!! Hahaha. You guys even SOUND married. Oh my…

    Hmm… Thinking about it. Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo gave me wet eyes. Not so much so in 5cm. I’d definitely rate Toki Kakeru higher than 5cm. Much higher.

    But you’ve got to watch it Glo. Makes the manliest of men. *Everyone! Help me persuade him! Lol.
    Watch it. You know you want to. Xp

    Pardon my lack of knowledge but GITS? :p

    Erm.. Did you watch season 1 of Asura?
    Complete letdown when compared to it… 😦
    Story wise it continues though.

    Lol. Make sure you have some popcorn while you’re at it… ;P

    Lol! Hah… I really did thought you’d forget (or at least ignore) the butt bump… Lol.
    I remember enjoying Asura’s story back in season 1. Which got me to look forward to season 2. Seeing that the story continues. But omg! the animation was just so much more worst. Hahaha…

    And to think I always stress contents over graphics in my reviews… I am the phailed… -.-”

    Lol. Glad to know you are back in action. All those trips to the library must have hurt. :p

    “the destructive power of the cock!”
    Where in the world did this come from? o.0! Lol.

    lol@completely random comment…!

    Yup. Don’t miss 5cm. It’s one of those animes where (some) fans like us would put way up there highest in the worship altar. :p

    March 4, 2010 at 8:02 pm

  9. But what everyone needs to do, is to watch 5cm per second again. Could be a days later, could be months. You’ll be surprised how the second time will effect you, like how it’s making me feel now…

    I absolutely agree. I got damn depressed after watching it the first time though.

    @glothelegend : I won’t say its as much sad as it is depressing. You don’t need to cry to feel depressed 😉 It’s a good feeling though. Just make sure you don’t have anything important to do after the show.

    March 6, 2010 at 1:02 pm

  10. But what everyone needs to do, is to watch 5cm per second again. Could be a days later, could be months. You’ll be surprised how the second time will effect you, like how it’s making me feel now…

    I absolutely agree. I got damn depressed watching this 5cm the first time 🙂

    March 6, 2010 at 1:16 pm

  11. @Jason
    Lol.. Sorry… Don’t know how it got sent to spam.

    March 8, 2010 at 11:35 pm

  12. Spankda

    The problem I had with Kampfer is how incredibly unrealistic it is. I mean, I’m a guy. I’m a teen, and you turn me into a hot chick? I’m locking the doors, closing the curtains, turning off the phone, and not leaving the house for a couple of weeks.

    Gimme a break.

    I hope there’s another season. 🙂

    April 15, 2010 at 2:21 am

  13. Nevermind my earlier question. Lol. I now know you are a guy. 🙂

    April 15, 2010 at 9:26 am

  14. ohh, this 5cm is very interesting

    November 27, 2010 at 8:05 pm

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