Animes, Photography and everything in between… Pfft..

12-05-01 Un-Go



Fantasy by Lama
Un-Go Ending



Have I ever told anyone that I suck at night shoots?

Honestly, I’ve always had this theory, that if a photographer has mastered night shoots. Then he or she has mastered all shoots.

And I’m not saying night shoots as in finding a dark location and shooting in the morning/afternoon. I mean it literally. Shooting at night, where there are no source of light from the surroundings. Where photographers have to setup their own light from zilt.

Background-less portraits don’t exactly turn me on. Studio styled i mean. But I would say “Hey.. why not?”

So thinking about it, it’s only natural that if a photographer can create and control light so well even when there is no light from the location, he or she must be even more awesome when there IS light from the surroundings.

Every now and then though, I get proven wrong. A photographer can create a hit one minute, night or day shot. And blunder for the next 10 shoots.

Then again, photography isn’t something formulated. I should have known better than that. There is no definite value. You can’t be good all the time.

Or can you?

Though… I still stand by my theory.
Master night shoots. And you will “probably” master daylight shoots as well.


P.s: -.-”
Before anyone gets the wrong idea. I’m not saying it like I’m a master or whatever. Just sharing my 2 cents.



Shinjuurou Yuuki by SakuraiJean
Inga (Child) by Penguin
Inga (Adult) by Senyakun

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2 responses

  1. I actually listen to the UN-GO OP & ED when I’m in the shower on my playlist. It’s definitely a hot pair of songs…….but can’t say the same for the show. I feel it’s predictable and gimmicky. A witch who forces you to tell the truth w/convoluted questions instead of just asking, “WHO DID IT!” idk I stopped @ episode 4.

    May 29, 2012 at 1:26 am

    • Lol.. As for me, never gotten around to watch it.. -.-“

      June 25, 2012 at 7:52 pm

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